WorldCom and Satyam: Accounting Scams in the US and India
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Excerpts Contd...The Maytas Fiasco
-monitor internal accounting control activities, communicate with the company's external auditors, and review internal accounting control activities. However, media reports claimed that WorldCom's board of directors had failed to fulfill their basic responsibilities... Outside AuditorsFrom 1990 to 2002, WorldCom's independent external auditor was Arthur Andersen (Andersen). It anticipated its relationship with WorldCom as long term and wanted to be considered as a committed member of the WorldCom team... The Board of DirectorsBetween 1999 and 2002, WorldCom's board comprised 50 percent of non executive members. The board members, most of whom were former owners, officers, or directors of companies acquired by WorldCom, included experts in finance, law, and the telecommunications industry... The AftermathOn June 20, 2002, Cooper and her internal audit team met WorldCom's audit committee and revealed their findings of inappropriate capitalized expenses. The board told Sullivan and Myers to resign immediately. On June 25, 2002, WorldCom announced that its profits had been inflated by US$ 3.8 billion over the previous five quarters... Exhibits
Exhibit I: WorldCom's Major Acquisitions |
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